Friday, January 20, 2017

Lyre: musical instrument

Lyre - a stringed musical instrument that looks like a case of the violin. This tool is also known as organistrum or hurdy-gurdy. When playing the lyre to keep on your lap, and while the game is played at the same time most of the strings. Popular since the X century musical instrument is now used less frequently. But thanks to the amazing sound, the original design of the lyre still remembered. 

sound Features 

The sound of the lyre wheel is provided by the operation of most of the strings, as a result of their friction on the wheel vibration occurs. It is noteworthy that most of the strings are only responsible for the monotonous buzz, and song playback is provided by a game or two. Lyre sounds powerful, sad, monotonous, somewhat nasally. And to soften the sound of the string has long been wrapped with linen or wool fibers. An important role is played by the exact alignment of the wheel - it should be smooth and nakanifolennym.


Three-stringed lyre has a deep wooden cabinet in the form of eight, two flat decks, which are bent shell. The upper part of the tool head is complemented with wooden pegs, which allows you to adjust the strings. Lyre has a short Kolkova box, which often ends in a curl. Since the rim protrudes outward, hiding it under a special bast fused in an arc shape. 

The upper deck has a hole in it is the same keyboard-porozhkovy mechanism with the keys. They, in turn, are simple protrusions with wooden slats. When the musician presses the keys, just projections contact with the strings, uttering sounds. The projections are mounted so that they can be displaced in different directions, thereby aligning the audio range. tool body laid out in such a way that the amplified sound of a string. Sound Amplification occurs due to vibration of strings, which are caused by wheel traffic. 

Features strings 

Hurdy-gurdy - instrument with three strings vein: melodic called spivanitsa, or melody; two Bourdon called bass and pidbasok. If melodic string in design passes through the inside of the box, then the drone - on top of it. All strings are arranged so that they come into contact with the wheel rim. It is before work is rubbed with resin, allowing the strings sound smoothly audible. Flatness of sound obyuespechivaetsya smooth surface and precise wheel alignment. The melody is created or performed by pressing the keys at the side of the box cut-outs. 

Historically, strings were created on the basis of living, although today more and more popular strings of metal or nylon. To get the desired tone and quality of sound, the band wrapped strings of cotton or other fibers, and should have been more coverage on Bourdon. If wool is not enough, the sound is either too dull or too harsh, especially in the upper range. 

What today? 

In Russia today, infrequently used lyre. Musical instrument (the photo shows all its colorfulness) remained in the orchestra of the State and the People's Choir of Belarus. It is noteworthy that the hurdy-gurdy is used in medium rockers: group Led Zeppelin, In Extremo selected tool because of its unusual sound. Today, an instrument almost forgotten, but some bands sound unusual for hurdy-gurdy is left as the highlight of his work. 

Additionally, if you happen need to purchase some musical instrument parts, you can choose Banggood, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as badass electric guitars, reverb tuner, etc. 

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