Monday, November 7, 2016

How to make a car on the remote control. Treat your little son!

Psychologists say that the joint activity interesting work brings together children and parents. Dad for a boy - always and everywhere an example. Unfortunately, the fathers do not always know what to do with the child, in addition to watching TV. Offer to find out how to make the machine on the radio control. Such activity like the two "boys": and the son and his father. In this process mom probably will not be able to intervene. Simply because of their lack of knowledge in radiodela. 

Sometimes it seems that on the upbringing of the child care exclusively mothers and fathers just earn money. However, the pope role in shaping the character of the child, especially a son, no less than her mother's. Sometimes a father tired too busy to play with the child in his noisy and fun games. However, we must remember that there may come a time when the son will simply cease to look for opportunities to communicate with the pope if he continually finds no time for this. Eventually there comes a misunderstanding between father and son is a teenager already quite difficult to overcome. Ready set, or an independent attempt to figure out how to make the machine on the control panel will help the child to his father, and strengthened their relationship and mutual understanding. 

What is the cause of his father's dismissal of his son? Sometimes this is a common lack of experience, some fear that appears in young dads, especially if the mother is practically not let his father to the baby. 

Which parts to prepare to model went 

How to make a car on the remote control? It all starts with the project. To work you need to prepare not only a list of various parts and components, but also all the necessary tools. This will make the process more fun and organized. So, you need to assemble the machine: motor (from a hair dryer, on a small fan) or petrol mini-engine; frame; body; set of rubber wheels; fact that this car is called the "tree"; suspension or chassis; 2 axis for the wheels; antenna; thin connecting wires; rechargeable batteries to power the electric motor or gasoline (if ICE engine); signal receiver; remote control (or the radio transmitter). Of the tools needed pliers, soldering iron, various screwdrivers and small wrenches, electrical tape, superglue, bolts, washers, nuts and other fasteners. All the missing tools, parts and components are made either on their own or bought in specialized stores. 

Additionally, if you need to purchase some rc cars, you can search via Banggood website, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as rc sand buggy, micro rc rock crawler, etc. 

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