Monday, December 19, 2016

How to choose toys on the radio: Machines for baby

Toys on the radio (especially cars) attracted the attention of both children and adults. However, these toys are not only expensive, but also fragile. Sometimes children from pressing this machine pops up and becomes unusable. In this article we consider two points: 1) At what age is best to buy remote control toys; 2) how to choose high-quality cars. 

Children's machine can be a model of the real car, the epitome of the hero toy or include this function and transport, and fabulous attributes (eyes, mouth). Such toys at wholesale price you can buy from 136 rubles. These included the machine length of 13 cm and a radio control. The batteries for such cars are purchased separately. The disadvantage of such machines - this is a very fragile body, which may crack under the pressure of 2-year-old kid. 

On average, toy cars on the radio in the shops are from 600 rubles. These may be metal or plastic 10-cm models with remote control. Transport size of 23 cm can be found at a price of 900 rubles. These vehicles can move forward and backward, left and right, have a speed of 3-4, and include front and rear lights. Yet these engines do not require the game without the remote. That is, the 2-4-year-olds out of habit when it is impossible to control the remote control, try to push the car all the weight, crawling on his knees on the floor. Such ransport, the size of which more than 30 cm, can withstand the pressure for children, but its price will be 5-6-valued. 

How to choose a radio-controlled car ? 

Decide on the car model. Read information about the kinds and types of vehicles that included. For example, sometimes only sold the car and spare parts, battery charger, the batteries need to be purchased separately. Decide on the price of the car policy. Once the selected transport type, see the price for it in the shops. Perhaps in your city there are clubs shopaholics, which bought toys on the radio (including machines) at wholesale price, then your purchase will be much cheaper. 

Consider the child's interests. The five-year kid himself can say what he wants to get the machine. Of course, the prototypes of toy characters will not be as durable as a professional machine. But here, the pope may choose models with various additional functions. Safety of toys, supplier and manufacturer reputation. In this option you need to pay attention in the first place, especially if you decide to buy a toy for a toddler who takes everything in his mouth. 

Toys on the radio control (machines in particular) cause positive emotions in a child, especially if you play a few children or children with their parents. Therefore it is better to buy two inexpensive car for his son and his father, to have fun weekend together. 

Additionally, if you need to purchase transformer toys, you can search via Banggood website, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as remote control digger, transformers metal toys, etc.